Access audio recordings of the 2025 TNMHPO Palliative care preconference. The recording will be delivered electronically through email. Contact us if you just want the recording from an individual session.
AGENDA – Supportive Palliative and Palliative Care Pre-Conference – February 19, 2025
9:00 – 10:30 AM Symptom Management in a Supportive Palliative Care Setting (Panel
Discussion) | Tommie Farrell, MD, Hendrick Healthcare; Brieanna NationHoward, DO, Three Oaks; Adrianna Garrett, MSW, LMSW, Visiting Nurse Association
10:45 – 12:00 AM Inclusion of Supportive Palliative Care: Minimum Requirements and Quality
Solutions | Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin, Consultant
This session will explore the definition of supportive palliative care and offer
guidance for home and community-based agencies developing compliant service
delivery models. The speaker will provide an overview of essential policies and
procedures and discuss key differences between supportive palliative care and
hospice care philosophies.
12:45 – 2:00 PM Transitioning Patients from Acute Care to Community-Based Palliative Care |
Erin Donaho, ANP-C, CHFN, CHPN, National Specialist Cardiac Care; Lead NP
Palliative Care, Accent Care Hospice & Palliative Care | Transitioning patients
from acute care to community-based palliative care is a challenge. A unique
collaboration between a community hospital’s palliative care team and a hospice
& palliative care agency changed practice. Excellent communication was the key
to quality of life & reduced readmissions.
2:15 – 3:30 PM Navigating complex care with compassionate conversations | Monique S.
Nugent MD, MPH, Hospitalist, Author | Using cases from my clinical experience,
I will illustrate how to leverage acute hospitalizations to 1- identify the need for
palliative care and hospice, 2 facilitate compassionate and thoughtful
conversations to plan further care. 3- Improve experiences at the end of life.
3:30 – 4:45 PM You Can Get Paid for Palliative Care | Maureen Kelleher, RN, MBA, SimiTree |
This presentation will provide an understanding of reimbursement structures for
Palliative Care Programs and identify challenges with the set-up of a program
and ability to be reimbursed based on the set up.