TNMHPO was founded in 1983 as the Texas Hospice Organization, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit, and is dedicated to promoting and maintaining quality compassionate care for the terminally ill and their families and to provide educational opportunities and assistance to the professionals who serve the terminally ill.

THE 2025 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Feb. 19-21, 2025 in Houston, TX
We are excited to announce that we will be holding our Annual Convention at the Omni Galleria Houston Hotel and we would like to invite you to join us in our celebration of our 43rd Conference. We are expecting over 450 professionals in attendance again this year.

Participants are invited to respond to this year’s Call for Presentations with a wide range of proposals.  Emphasis is placed both on skills-based teaching workshops, clinical research and interdisciplinary team and health systems-related issues affecting hospice and palliative care and End-of-Life issues.

Innovative approaches to hospice and palliative care for all terminally ill people are encouraged and welcomed.  Interdisciplinary team proposals and joint presentations by more than one hospice are acceptable.

To balance the program, we are suggesting that presentations be in the following areas:

  • Clinical:  Involving all aspects of patient/family care
  • Program Development:  Implementation of hospice programs
  • Management:  Administration of hospice programs
  • Psychosocial: Pertaining to Social Workers, Chaplains, Bereavement Coordinators, Volunteers and Volunteer Coordinators

Unless the presenter specifically marks “disagree” on the Permission to Tape portions of the application, the submission of a proposal for the conference will serve as permission to record the presentation and the subsequent sale of the recordings and use of the presentations for on-line training.

Applicants must select an accurate knowledge level for their intended audience.
• Beginning:  For people with a basic knowledge in a subject area
• Intermediate:  For those having a working knowledge in an area
• Advanced:  Presenter and audience both are knowledgeable and able to discuss the subject matter thoroughly
• General:  Relevant to all participants

Specifying levels assists participants in their selections and improves the presenter’s evaluations.

Workshops are scheduled for 60 minute sessions.  Proposals must be submitted according to the recommended format, including CEU information.  Only those proposals, which include all requested items, will be considered.  (All items on the checklist must be included.)

Proposals will be accepted by on-line submission until 12
p.m., Oct. 11, 2024.  Proposals received after that date and time may not be considered.

A panel of hospice professionals representative of an interdisciplinary team will screen the proposals.  Presenters selected will be notified of acceptance by Email not later than December 30, 2024.

A $150.00 reduction of conference registration fees will be granted to the two primary presenters in each session.  All communications regarding the proposed session will be directed to the presenter.

To submit a proposal, complete this on-line form and email the following items to Keith Parker @ kparker@txnmhospice.org. To be considered, proposals must  include all of the following items sent within 72 hours after the initial application:


Presentation Application

Fill this form out to enter your speaking proposal for our upcoming conferences!

  • Write a few sentences that describe your presentation (this will go on the brochure and other printed materials):
  • Who should come to this training?
  • Audience Level of this Presentation
  • Each room is equipped with a laptop computer, a LCD projector and a microphone. Please let us know if there is anything else you need for your presentation (we will honor all reasonable requests).
  • Tell us about your experience here, Skip a line for multiple presenters.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Education Subscription

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is for agencies who wish to provide on-demand education for the entire staff. This subscription is an add-on to a TNMHPO membership and can’t be purchased separately.

A TNMHPO Membership Plus Education Subscription gives members of the Texas New Mexico Hospice & Palliative Care Organization unlimited access to all archived online education for the entire year.  You can provide training to your current staff and utilize these educational opportunities for new employee orientation.  There are courses for every discipline on your hospice team and continuing education units and proof of attendance for Administrators, Nurses, Social Workers, and LPCs.

The optional education subscription may only be used by staff of the joining hospice agency, not to train partners, affiliates or sister organization staff. If your hospice is part of a home health, then the home health division will need to pay its own dues and education. 

TNMHPO reserves the right to limit users if we feel the system is being misused.

  • Over 100 recorded online training courses for all hospice disciplines
  • Eligible for Continuing Education Units
  • Customized certificates for CEUs
  • Available on-demand, on your schedule

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is 10% of your annual membership dues plus $650.  

When purchasing your membership, select the “Education Subscription” option in the drop down on the membership product page. 

Already a member? Contact our team directly to upgrade your membership.

For questions regarding our education subscription or its offerings, contact our Director of Operations, Keith Parker, at 512-956-0875 (voice and text) or email at kparker@txnmhospice.org.