Evia has been employed by Hospice in the Pines for the past 30 years as of 2023 and remains one of
our greatest assets. Many years ago Ms. Young was awarded the Nurse Aide award presented by
TNMHO and she has always honored the tribute. This incredible associate has demonstrated many
remarkable characteristics defining her dedication as a leader in her role as Senior Patient Care Aide
(certified nurse aide). Evia is one of those team members who goes above to assure each patient is
properly assessed for cohesive care by complying with the written orders as well as interdisciplinary plan
of care.
Evia was awarded a letter of distinction from the State Representative’s Office as well as the Mayor after
completing 25 years of service and has been granted many accommodations from the families she has
cared for over the last 30 years. Evia has been certified as an Aide for more than 40 years and yields to perfect attendance. Evia selected to part-time when she reached retirement age however she has never denied the team when they needed her to exceed her allotted hours. Evia has managed to support her patients families for years after the loss of the patient by making weekly calls and being a supportive friend with compassionate words of encouragement. Recently the retired Mayor expressed in his comments during the annual Hospice Memorial Walk, the difference Evia made in his life after caring for his wife. He acknowledged the hospice journey was so difficult yet it was the frequent visits by the best Nurse Aide that provided his wife invaluable care and him a deeply supportive friendship. Evia is a jewel and he noted that if everyone could experience her treatment plan then hospice would be much more accepted. Evia is praised for being the Angel on earth for those dying to get to heaven.
We recognize the tenure of this associate and the long-term commitment of a lady who has placed her
patients first by missing many personal events and sacrificing her own health over the years. Today it is
hard to find a loyal employee who sees the vision, mission all while pledging with action to do as the
company deserves. Evia is this type of leader and we see her as the motto labor of love with the core
values of integrity, respect, loyalty, transparency, trust and service.
Evia arrives ready for work early and makes the commitment to get her supplies ready prior to each stop
yet it is her vast knowledge of how every patient desires their care to be the reward. Evia takes time to
ask her patients or their families what their wishes are each visit in the event they decline she can assess
to meet that need. Evia is a clinician in assessing and examining the environmental changes to access
the solutions to make every setting comfortable. Evia has been in homes with limited resources and in
mansions yet her care reveals class with every situation. She is one of the most flexible and accountable
individuals I known in all of my entire work career, states the Administrator.
While we endorse Evia for the lifetime achievement award we understand she has not reviewed profits
and losses or implemented balance sheets into her toolkit; what we do know is that she is one of the
finest hospice staff members in East Texas and we therefore nominate her without hesitation that she is
the BEST.