Denise is CEO/Co-Owner of Luna Del Valle Healthcare Services, and is a seasoned medical professional
with 34 years’ experience, specializing in hospice, end-of-life care and private home care. She has
evolved from a Registered Nurse to an administrative specialist in hospice management. Denise has experience working on the Neuro-Trauma Unit at UNM Hospital, as a Clinical Services Director, Hospice Director, and is now CEO and co-owner of Luna Del Valle Hospice & Healthcare Services. Denise brings a passion for individualized patient-centric care, the highest level of quality care and compassion, charity, and community outreach. Her philosophy of people before profits brings a unique perspective and community focused approach to health care.
During her Hospice Career, Denise has placed a priority on taking charity/non-funded patients and homeless patients because “it is the right thing to do” which emphasizes her belief that it is about what you can do to help others when you receive nothing in return. While working for major corporations, despite not having formally established programs and budget limitations, Denise has always focused on volunteer work to include Thanksgiving Trees, toy drives, and pet care programs for the elderly and ill. In 2022, Denise started her own Hospice company and over the past year and a half has grown that company immensely. In that year and a half, Denise has also started a Non-Profit Organization (The Willow Foundation) that has already organized several charity events for the community including our first successful Thanksgiving Tree, where we provided over 100 families in the community with a complete
Thanksgiving Dinner.
She continues to grow our Hospice, while starting more divisions as well (Sol Amor Senior Care, partnering with Twilight Palliative Group). Her goal is State-wide expansion and offering
access to essential healthcare needs to any senior in the state, no matter the location, financial position,
or insurance situation. She has built Luna Del Valle Hospice with the principle of the Kaizen Philosophy,
or “Change for the better, continuous improvement”. Within the past year and a half, she has set a new
standard of care in the Hospice industry in Albuquerque and continues to raise the bar constantly. Luna
Del Valle’s next goal is to work with the Sacred Tribal communities of New Mexico to bring much needed
healthcare to as many community members as possible. I am honored to be able to work with Denise in
her journey to bring the highest caliber of healthcare and hospice care possible to the entire state of New
Mexico, while also helping our community in any way we can.