We Honor Veterans State Conference

Join us for this extensive 1 and 1/2 day educational program designed for all levels of the WHV program. We will review all Levels, from the Recruit to the challenging Level 5. Whether you are considering starting the WHV program or are deep in the middle of one of the levels, this workshop will provide you with great information and answer all your questions on how to create a VETERAN-CENTRIC Organization. Planned by South Central Texas Hospice Veterans Partnership, hosted by TNMHPO.

Conference location: The Victory Center

1819 N. Main

San Antonio, TX 78212


Registration Fee $129.00

Fee includes breakfast both days,

Friday lunch, drinks, snacks, and reception.



  • Vet to Vet Volunteers               
  • Veteran Benefits
  • VA Registration 
  • Veteran Direct Care
  • WHV Levels 1-5
  • Community Engagement
  • Final Salute
  • Moral Injury


Are you a TNMHPO member? Don’t forget to log in before purchasing for the best price.

Not a member? Save up to 40-50% on events and workshops by becoming a member.

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Agenda and Details

Learn more about this event by downloading our brochure and agenda.

We do not have a room block booked for this conference, but hotels average about $152 per night in this riverwalk area and they are plentiful.



Want to Exhibit or Sponsor?

Contact Us

Education Subscription

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is for agencies who wish to provide on-demand education for the entire staff. This subscription is an add-on to a TNMHPO membership and can’t be purchased separately.

A TNMHPO Membership Plus Education Subscription gives members of the Texas New Mexico Hospice & Palliative Care Organization unlimited access to all archived online education for the entire year.  You can provide training to your current staff and utilize these educational opportunities for new employee orientation.  There are courses for every discipline on your hospice team and continuing education units and proof of attendance for Administrators, Nurses, Social Workers, and LPCs.

The optional education subscription may only be used by staff of the joining hospice agency, not to train partners, affiliates or sister organization staff. If your hospice is part of a home health, then the home health division will need to pay its own dues and education. 

TNMHPO reserves the right to limit users if we feel the system is being misused.

  • Over 100 recorded online training courses for all hospice disciplines
  • Eligible for Continuing Education Units
  • Customized certificates for CEUs
  • Available on-demand, on your schedule

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is 10% of your annual membership dues plus $650.  

When purchasing your membership, select the “Education Subscription” option in the drop down on the membership product page. 

Already a member? Contact our team directly to upgrade your membership.

For questions regarding our education subscription or its offerings, contact our Director of Operations, Keith Parker, at 512-956-0875 (voice and text) or email at kparker@txnmhospice.org.