Hugo received this very special award and honored on Feb. 26, 2023 at our annual awards ceremony in front of 400+ hospice professionals.
Hugo was nominated by Olivia Rogers, Administrator at VNA of Texas, she wrote this touching professional bio about him: “Hugo Rodriguez has been a Certified Nursing Assistant with the Visiting Nurses Association in Dallas since 1994. He has served hundreds and hundreds of clients and their families for the past 28 years. He puts the patients’ needs first, always advocating for them and their families. He makes a personal connection with them, and he receives high praise as a result. He is a living example of what it means to serve others. While he follows the plan of care, he has the amazing gift of being able to identify what the patient needs in the moment. It may be that they need him to sit a little longer and listen to a story they want to share, watch part of a baseball game or just sit with them and do nothing but share the space. It is a testament to the care he has provided over the years at VNA when families call and ask for him to care for their loved one because of the reputation he has in the hospice community. His dedication to VNA over the years is only shadowed by his dedication to patients. He has shown incredible integrity, compassion, leadership and a real team player attitude. Words cannot express our gratefulness to Hugo and his commitment to the work of hospice.”
Hugo – Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Congratulations! – TNMHO Board of Directors and Team!